Maximize Insurance Claim

Expert representation to maximize your insurance claim and handle the whole process for you.

Maximize Insurance Claim

Expert representation to maximize your insurance claim and handle the whole process.

Focused Hands-On Service

Available 24/7 for immediate review of insurance policy and evaluation of property damage.

Helping People During and After Disasters

Dedicated to helping people during and after disasters with expert insurance claim assistance.

What is provided?

We Represent you, the insured, against the insurance company to maximize your insurance claim.

We come to you at your location. We perform a physical inspection and assist with proper documentation of all damages to any structure, contents, inventory. We work exclusively for the insured policyholder.

We are employed by you and our fiduciary responsibility and duty is to you. We protect your best interests.

We manage the claim for you from start to finish.

We obtain the services of any necessary experts necessary to process your claim.

We negotiate the claim on your behalf to maximize the benefit to YOU!

Focused Hands-On

Immediate review of insurance policy, full evaluation of visual damage, represent insured

24/7 Availability

Maximize insurance claim, handle whole claim, keep insured apprised

Helping People

During and After Disasters